Caring for Climate and Change – Virtual excursion

Join our expert educators to understand the connection between energy production and climate change.

Solar power panel

Program details

Year Level
Years 3-10

$215 for a 1-hour session
+ booking fee
(maximum group size is 25 students)

via Zoom or preferred platform (Google Meets, Webex etc.)

Students will discover how electricity is generated, understand the impacts it has on climate change and the important role renewable energy plays, and discuss political and social solutions (systems change) to increase agency and empowerment in students. Our educators will guide students through problem solving and action planning to create change within their school community and explore solutions to create change at school or home.

Key questions for students to consider:

Y3-6: What is carbon? How is electricity generated and how can we do it better? What are the causes and effects of climate change?

Y7-10: What is climate change? What are the major systems contributing to climate change? How can individuals contribute to a more sustainable and just world?

Y11-12: What is sustainable building design? How are Australian homes contributing to the climate crisis? How can we design sustainable and equitable homes for every Australian?

Through a variety of hands on activities your students will:

Years 3 – 6

  • Explore the causes and effects of climate change through the lens of electricity generation
  • Explore how we generate electricity and the impacts it’s having on our environment
  • Learn about the natural carbon cycle and how it’s been altered by human activities
  • Discover and engage with a range of positive solutions to mitigate climate change
  • Feel empowered to make positive long-lasting change

Years 7 – 10

  • Explore the causes and effects of climate change through the lens of electricity generation
  • Discuss the roles individuals play in creating positive futures for themselves and the planet
  • Learn about the concept of systems change and what it looks like in Australia
  • Provide empowerment and agency for students to continue to shape a social and environmental just planet for all

Years 11-12

  • Explore Australia’s current housing stock and understand how design can influence a home’s emissions.
  • Discuss sustainable building design and how it can help to increase comfort and wellbeing, and decrease energy use and emissions.
  • Learn the fundamental sustainable design principles and how to apply them to a new home, and retrofit an existing home.
  • Analyse how sustainable housing policy change can decrease Australia emission and create housing equality for all Australians.

You’ll receive a school teacher guide, including instructions for optional activities to do before and after your virtual excursion, and a Kahoot! Quiz.

Years 3-6

  • Students can identify the three major fossil fuels
  • Students can explain the impacts that the burning of fossil fuels is having on the environment and atmosphere
  • Students can explain the process of turning coal into electricity
  • Students can name alternative sources for electricity and explain why they are classified as ‘renewable sources’
  • Students can explain what climate change is and the effects it has on our environment

Years 7-10

  • Students can explain what climate change is and the effects it has on our environment
  • Students can identify the major global systems that are contributing to climate change
  • Students can discuss actions they can take on an individual level to create positive futures and how this ties into collective action
  • Students can generate unique solutions to questions related to current energy practices in Australia.

Years 11-12

  • Students can identify how Australian homes contribute to the climate crisis.
  • Students can identify and understand the key sustainable design principles which inform sustainable building design.
  • Students can adapt and apply the sustainable design principles to a floor plan to decrease emissions & energy use, and increase comfort and wellbeing.
  • Students can suggest ways to change Australian housing policy to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

This program links to curriculum areas of:
Science, Geography, Design & Technologies, Civics & Citizenship.

Monday – Friday during the term

How the virtual excursion will run:
  • We can use Zoom Video Conferencing to deliver the virtual learning sessions. If your school has a preferred platform (WebEx, Google Meets, MS Teams etc.) just let us know in your booking form
  • The session will open 5 minutes before the scheduled start
  • The session is live and interactive with a CERES Educator – we encourage students to have their video on and unmute when apporpriate
  • Q & A will be left open for students to communicate with CERES educators during the virtual excursion
What you’ll receive:
  • You will be sent a unique URL if we are using Zoom for your session
  • A school teacher guide, including instructions for optional activities to do before and after your virtual excursion
What you need for the session:
  • Tablet or mobile device – download the free Zoom app
  • PC, laptop or smartboard – allow the Zoom extension file download request
  • For in-school we recommend one smartboard and a minimum of 1 device per 3 students
Use the activities in the Teaching Guide below to spark students’ curiosity before the virtual session and add value to your experience with CERES. It’s also designed to deepen students’ learning back at school. A guide to what a Kahoot! quiz is also included.

Years 3 to 6 Teaching Guide
Years 7 to 10 Teaching Guide
Years 11 to 12 Teaching Guide
What is a Kahoot quiz?

Watch the following video to understand what CERES is all about and to get you and your students excited about your virtual excursion with us!

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