Weather Journal Curriculum Activity

Suitable for Primary (Years F-2)

Victorian Curriculum Link

Years F-2: (VCSSU046), (VCSIS051)
Years F-2: (VCGGC020)

Activity Description

The Weather Journal is designed to support students’ observations of both short and long term patterns of events that occur in our weather. Students can complete the journal daily or weekly, over one week, a month or school term. Students link their daily weather observations to the way we modify our behaviour, including our use of energy for heating and cooling, and dress for different conditions.

Key Concepts

Seasons, Weather, Heating and Cooling, Energy Use

Key Learning Intentions

1. Students will be able to observe and describe daily weather patterns
2. Students will be able to measure and/or record temperature and rainfall
3. Students will be able to link changes in the daily weather to the way we modify our behaviour, energy use and dress for different conditions

Suggestions for Assessment

1. Participation in the Weather Journal activity
2. Participation in the Discussion questions above


1. Weather Journal
Have students fill out their weather journal regularly over a period of time (whether daily or weekly). Discuss the students’ observations as you go and any relevant modifications you can make to your dress or behaviours in the classroom based on the weather for the day. Once you have collected multiple entries, complete the discussion questions below.

2. Discussion
1. What patterns do you notice over time in the weather? Why?
2. How would you dress for the weather on a cool and rainy day?
3. Do we need the lights on during a sunny day? Why or why not?

Suggested ResourceSmart Schools Module Links

Undertaking the activity as described above links to the ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – actions B1.2, B1.3

Below is a list of extension activities that link to additional actions of the Energy module:

1. Design a poster, or download and illustrate the CERES Dress for the Weather Poster, to help raise awareness around the best ways we can dress at school for different weather (ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – actions B1.3, B1.4)

2. Extend activity to brainstorm other ways we can save energy in the classroom. Develop energy monitor roles for students to oversee these actions (ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – actions B1.3, A3.1, C2.2)

3. Write a short learning story about key findings of the activity and share in your school newsletter and website, including tips about dressing for the weather and saving energy at home (ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – actions C1.1, C1.3, C3.5)

4. Invite a local indigenous group to share their traditional perspectives on the seasons, as well as different forms of energy used to meet their needs for comfort and everyday tasks (ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – actions B1.5, B1.6)

5. Engage with students from other school(s) interstate or overseas to compare their weather and climate with your schools. Reflect on how different places and people adapt their behaviours, including their use of electricity, or the ways different cultures dress, in response to the weather and seasons (ResourceSmart Schools Energy Module – action C3.7)

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